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Exhibit A <br />Water Availability Study of the Colorado River and Tributaries <br />(Pursuant to SB 07-122 and HB OS-1346) <br />Phase I Scope of Work <br />August 2048 <br />INTRODUCTION <br />The Water Availability Study of the Colorado River and Tributaries (CRWAS or the Study) will <br />provide important information to the State of Colorado and to Colorado River water users and <br />other stakeholders regarding water availability in the river and in its Colorado tributaries. This <br />information will help Colorado deal with uncertainty in water management decisions affecting <br />supplies and demands. The IBCC recommended that'the Study be conducted in two phases, with <br />the first phase of the Study focusing on assessment of existing levels of demands and alternate <br />hydrology {including climate change and forest change scenarios). Water uses (also referred to as <br />demands) to be considered in Phase I will be limited to historical levels of use from existing <br />absolute water rights and existing water rights administration. Phase I water uses will include <br />current management of transmountain diversions. Phase II will continue made] development and <br />will consider existing uses and also projected future uses of water. Categories of water use will <br />include beneficial uses recognized under Colorado water law and other potential "non-water <br />right" future consumptive and non-consumptive uses. <br />For the purpose of this scope of work and the Study, Colorado River tributaries in the State of <br />Colorado will be categorized according to the four major subbasins corresponding with existing <br />Basin Roundtables (BRTs) as follows: <br />1. Colorado River Mainstem, <br />2. Gunnison River, <br />3. Dolores] San ]uan/San Miguel Rivers, and <br />4. Yampa/WhitelGreen Rivers. <br />State approval and funding of the Study resulted from two legislative bills. Senate Biil 07-122 <br />directs the Colorado Water Conservation Board (Board} to conduct the Study and specifies that: <br />• The Board shall work in full consultation with, and the active involvement of, the BRTs, <br />• The Study shall consider current and potential future in-basin consumptive and non- <br />consumptive needs, <br />• The Board, in consultation with the BRTs, shall recommend whether additional study or <br />phases of study should be undertaken. <br />House Bi1108-1346 provides additional funding for Phase I with the expectation that the Board <br />will request additional funding in future years to undertake Phase II of the Study. Phase I <br />funding from the two legislative authorizations is $1 million. <br />Colorado River water Availability Study Scope 1 8/28/2008 <br />CRWAS Phase] Contract Scope EX A Final <br />