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Decision Support Systems
SPDSS Task 50.1 - Review of Existing Approaches to Development of a Data Centered Approach for the SPDSS Groundwater Component - Pase 2
This Technical Memorandum summarizes the existing data centered modeling process that has been implemented by the State for the Rio Grande Decision Support System (RGDSS) and identifies candidate graphical user interface (GUI) tools for screening and selection in subsequent tasks.
Decision Support - Doc Type
Task Memorandum
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South Platte
South Platte
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Bill Number
SB01-157, HB02-1152, SB03-110, HB04-1221, SB05-084, HB06-1313, SB07-122
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Final SPDSS Memorandum <br />To: Ray Alvarado, Andy Moore, Ray Bennett, Brian Ahrens <br />From: Michael J. Smith, Gordon McCurry <br />Date: July 29, 2005 <br />Subject: Task 50.1 -Review of Existing Approaches to Development of a Data Centered <br />Approach for the SPDSS Groundwater Component <br />Introduction <br />The objective of Task 50 of the SPDSS Groundwater Component is to evaluate current data <br />centered approaches that the State has previously implemented for groundwater modeling and to <br />design enhancements to this process for implementation in Phase 3. Task 50 is being completed <br />in three stages, with deliverables at each stage. <br />The initial stage (Task 50.1), addressed in this first Technical Memorandum (TM), summarizes <br />the existing data centered modeling process that has been implemented by the State for the Rio <br />Grande Decision Support System (RGDSS) and identifies candidate graphical user interface <br />(GUI) tools for screening and selection in subsequent tasks. The evaluation focuses on <br />groundwater processes, since surface water and consumptive use related processes are mature <br />and currently meet the State's needs. <br />The second stage (Task 50.2) will define and prioritize potential enhancements to the data <br />centered modeling process. This will include identification of data types used in the modeling, <br />where the data reside, current processes to move data from the source repository to the models <br />and an identification and prioritization of enhancements. This second stage will also identify <br />needed output types for future model use and as well as prioritizing development needs to <br />provide these outputs. A detailed summary of the proposed data centered approach, including <br />selection of a primary modeling GUI, for the SPDSS will be provided in this report. <br />The third stage (Task 50.3) will provide a scope of work and cost estimate for implementing high <br />priority enhancements during Phase 3. The proposed workflow, including linkages between data <br />sources and models, will be defined in sufficient detail to prepare the cost estimate. This scope <br />will identify the specific programs that will be developed or modified. Reports and visualization <br />tools to meet requirements identified in this TM will also be defined. <br />The data centered approach to groundwater modeling defines processes and tools that facilitate a <br />linkage between data sources, such as HydroBase and State GIS coverages, and a numerical <br />groundwater model. This approach facilitates rapid updating of numerical models when changes <br />to underlying data sets occur, model simulation periods change, or additional processes need to <br />be incorporated. This capability requires use of model support tools that allow definition of <br />conceptual model elements independent of the numerical model. The overall objectives of Task <br />50 are to design a data centered groundwater modeling process that incorporates the best <br />processes and modeling tools that were developed by the State for the RGDSS modeling effort, <br />and to identify areas for enhancement for the SPDSS groundwater modeling efforts. <br />
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