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-2 - <br />SITE CONDITIONS <br />The proposed pond site was vacant at the time of our field exploration and consisted of a pasture <br />with grass, weeds and small brush vegetation. An existing riding arena and gravel driveway are <br />located about 150 feet north of the pond area. The pasture is gently sloping down to the east at <br />about 4 to 6 percent grade. <br />GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS <br />The main geologic features in the project area are shown on Figure 8. This map is based on <br />regional mapping by Freeman (1972) and Bryant (1972). The geology of the subject site consists <br />of an alluvial fan (Qal) bordered on the north, west, and south by ridges formed by the upper unit <br />of the Mancos Shale (Km and Kmu). To the east of the alluvial fan is a glacial moraine (Qmc <br />and Qmbc). The alluvial fan consists of sandy silty clay with small shale fragments and is <br />derived from the Mancos Shale. Up to 36 feet (the maximum depth explored) of alluvial <br />material was encountered in our exploratory borings, near the center of the fan. The moraine <br />material consists of sub -angular cobbles and boulders in a sandy clay and silt matrix. The upper <br />unit of the Mancos Shale consists of dark gray shale interbedded with fine-grained silty <br />sandstone and minor limestone beds. The bedding dip of the upper unit of the Mancos Shale is <br />around 8 to 11 degrees generally down toward the east and southeast in the area of the project <br />site (Freeman, 1972 and Bryant, 1972). The compressibility potential of the subsoils <br />encountered at the site by our exploratory borings is discussed in the "Subsurface Conditions" <br />section of this report. <br />FIELD EXPLORATION <br />The field exploration for the project was conducted on September 27, 2018. Five exploratory <br />borings were drilled at the locations shown on Figure 1 to evaluate the subsurface conditions. <br />The borings were advanced with 4 -inch diameter continuous flight augers powered by a truck- <br />mounted CME -45B drill rig. The borings were logged by a representative of H-P/Kumar. <br />Samples of the subsoils were taken with a 2 -inch I.D. spoon sampler. The sampler was driven <br />into the subsoils at various depths with blows from a 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches. This <br />test is similar to the standard penetration test described by ASTM Method D-1586. The <br />penetration resistance values are an indication of the relative density or consistency of the <br />H-P-%KUMAR Project No. 18-7-599 <br />